Personalized Health Care
in Rutland, Vermont

Same-day appointments

Longer visits with their doctor

House calls when appropriate

Unparalleled access including cell phone and email access
A commitment to your health through
disease prevention and wellness
Rutland’s Premiere Primary Care and Internal Medicine
We work for our patients – not for an employer, insurer, or other large corporation.
At Marble Valley Healthworks, our board-certified concierge physicians specialize in internal medicine and family practice. We dedicate our attention to a smaller number of patients so we can take the time to get to know you, your history, your story. We believe that truly understanding our patients makes us more effective doctors.
The Personalized Medical Services Difference

Primary Care & Family Medicine

Internal Medicine

Advance Directives

- Hospital, Nursing Home, Rehab, Visits
- Personal Medical Ambassador
- Dietary Counseling
Our Specialists
ready to serve
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Colds and other respiratory infections are the most common infection in the developed world. It’s no surprise then, that over the counter (OTC) remedies for upper respiratory infections (URI) occupy a lot of shelf space at the pharmacy.
Blue-Green Algae or Cyanobacteria are the oldest and simplest organisms that convert sunlight to energy as modern plants do. They are one of the most abundant and widespread life forms on earth.
Antihistamines are a group of medicines used to treat the symptoms of allergy. Allergy symptoms (itchy, red, runny eyes; itchy, congested, runny nose; sneezing; raised, red, itchy rash) occur when allergens such as pollen or pet dander touch a person who is sensitive to them.
Falls are the most frequent cause of injuries that require medical attention. They happen most often to the very young and the very old. Besides being common, falls in these two groups are quite different: children fall more in the summer, while adults have more problems in the winter.
Interested in medical help at your fingertips?
Interested in making an investment in yourself?
- Contact
- Timings
Friday: 9:00am – 4:00pm